
Evaluation of the exposure dose of workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

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Press Releases 2018

Press Release (Jan 31,2018)Evaluation of the exposure dose of workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

TEPCO has been evaluating the exposure dose of workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station under two types, internal and external exposure to radiation, and has submitted the evaluation results to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by the submission deadlines. (Previously announced)
TEPCO today submitted to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare a report on the exposure dose evaluation the data of which are those we collected until the end of December 2017. Here is part of the report: the maximum value of the external exposure dose among the workers who engaged in the work at the power station in December 2017 was 9.88mSv, and regarding the internal exposure dose, no significant value was measured.
The data of the exposure dose evaluation until the end of January 2018 will be reported to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by the end of February 2018.

< >: Exposure Dose Distribution (PDF 136KB)

< >: Exposure Dose Data by Age (PDF 91.4KB)

< >: Monthly Exposure Dose Data (PDF 104KB)

< >: Cumulative Exposure Dose Data by Fisical Year (PDF 134KB)

< >: Monthly External Exposure Dose Data (PDF 102KB)

< >: Monthly Internal Exposure Dose Data (PDF 120KB)

< >: Cumulative Exposure Dose Data of Subsequent Month(s) After March 2011 (PDF 112KB)

< >: Cumulative Data of Equivalent Dose to the Skin by Fisical Year (PDF 94.6KB)

< >: Cumulative Data of Equivalent Dose to the Lens of the Eye by Fisical Year (PDF 94.1KB)

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